
a fighting game featuring slimes and swords
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      1 Rather than adapting UIs for gamepad navigation/use, an oft-used alternative is to instead keep having UIs operated by pointer input but to drive the pointer from gamepad input.
      3 This sample demonstrates how to set this up with the input system.
      5 ![Virtual Mouse Input Component](./VirtualMouseInput.png)
      7 1) It uses a custom [actions file](./GamepadMouseCursorUIActions.inputactions) for feeding input to the UI as the default actions are set up for gamepad navigation – something we don't want here as it would conflict with gamepad input being used for virtual cursor navigation.
      8 2) Note how `InputSystemUIInputModule` on the `EventSystem` GameObject is set up to reference actions from that file.
      9 3) The key component to take a look at is `VirtualMouseInput` on `Canvas >> Cursor`. The component is set up to receive input from the gamepad and translates it into motion on the `RectTransform` it is given. When going into play mode, you should also see a `Virtual Mouse` being added to the devices by the component.
     10 4) Note how the anchor position on the `RectTransform` is set to bottom left. This way the coordinate system responds to how mouse screen space operates.
     11 5) Note how `Cursor` is the last child of `Canvas` so that it draws on top of everything else.
     12 6) Note that `Raycast Target` on the `Image` component of the cursor is turned off to avoid raycasts from the mouse cursor hitting the cursor itself.
     13 7) Note that `Cursor Mode` on the `VirtualMouseInput` component is set to `Hardware Cursor If Available`. This will cause the component to look for a system mouse. If present, the system mouse is disabled and the system mouse cursor is warped to the virtual mouse position using `Mouse.WarpCursorPosition`. If no system mouse is present, `Cursor Graphic` will be used as a software mouse cursor.
     15 # Licenses
     17 The [cursor](./crosshair.png) used in the example is from []( and made by [Delapuite]( and released under the [CC BY 3.0 license]( It is used without modifications.